Consequences of Liberalism
Any ideology is only as useful as the utility it has for a people, culture and society in achieving civilisational success and prosperity.
Much has been said about liberalism, its tenets and its perceived divinity. But not much appreciation has been put on its history and to be circumspect about the cult that evangelises its holiness above all else. One cannot be faulted to believe it is a new focal religion as once again “the world” has decided old faiths are unnecessary in the modern world.
Those who brought us the most famous denomination of liberalism, are also those who gave us 5 centuries of industrial dehumanisation and colonisation. It is with these two frames - dehumanisation and colonisation - that we will consider what may have been afoot once upon a time.
Liberalism can be said to be primarily concerned with an individual, his rights, and his liberties. These are wonderful tenets which most societies even those in history attempts to realise to the degree their reality & circumstance can allow. By the way, it’s quite comical for these tenets to be sought by those who dehumanised the world for so long. But as with all things life is not without its ironies.
Let us consider the dehumanisation that has occurred over the past centuries leading to today. Individuals and groups we reduced to subhuman beasts of burden to usher in the modern world where these principles are said to be unwelcomed, though at its fringes away from our perceived reality they thrive.
Culture can be said to be the way of life of a people over generations to the point where it lasts long enough to become second nature. Many cultures we choose and are aware of, many are as formless and illusive as the air but we can always percieve their effects. Therefore, it can be said that 5+ centuries of dehumanising the human in the rest of humanity outside Europe could have created a culture to be formed of deconstructing the human and the group he belongs to.
Limited as compared to the past, but the dehumanising frame of western liberalism tries with its might to ensure a human standalone in the forest of humanity. Everything that are supposed to form the core of such a being - language, spirituality, culture, civilisation, etc., are all to be stripped away for a uniform logical unit to the formed. We become units of production and function easily replaceable by another, our humanity nowhere to be found.
The success of colonisation cannot be separated from the centuries dehumanisation that preceeds it. The human was stripped systematically and industrially from us and later morphed into a civilising mission to save the us savages from themselves. This can be seen in how tribe is now the primary frame of which we view what should be ethnic. Internalised hate and self defeat are things we have a long way to go from resolving.
It is important to note that despite us being savages without agency, this thought had zero impact on us being forced to sign away our right, ownerships and sovereignty through treaties.
Then came the end of colonialism where the empire was kicked out across that world. As it was during the end of the slave trade, about the same time as the colonies began declaring themselves sovereign from the empires, it became unfashionable to keep empires and rather a committee of nations were to be born. The eventual leaders of these committees remains representative from the same set of groups that had sustained and hegemony from centries before it. Essentially, old ideas in now clothing.
This end was not welcome by all, to believe otherwise is an error. Today we can still see the vestiges of the pain of that loss but the focus here is the possible ramification of the hibernation of the principles held during the period of empires that are suddenly percieved as being no more attractive in the wake of this change. These ideas, principles and thoughts did not simply vanish into the air. They found new home and application such that even today many unaware of their influence on the modern world.
Back to Western Liberalism and all the denominations it birthed, as the supposed solution to all ills of a society, it seems a part of why these thoughts were formed can be traced to the need to explain away and justify the need for the continued existence of the colonies. Essential better narrative to reimagine the past, not to attempt a fundermental revolution.
From America to Canada, Australia to New Zealand, and the 54 “nations” of Africa, the need to justify the existence of these countries and influence became important after the empires crumbled. Then came the slogan “Unity/Beauty in Diversity”.
Lifting the facade of “Beauty in Diversity”
“Beauty in Diversity” is the source of many chaos and difficulties in today’s world. As stated previously, many ideas of the past centuries found a home under new garb. This found its place in justifying the creations of the empire which see different antagonist civilisations garbled up into "nations-states” that made zero sense.
Borders drawn arbitrarily to divide civilisations into chunks and ensure they hold no capacity for majority anywhere. This evil and many more is today being justified under “Beauty in Diversity”. The very same “Beauty in Diversity” nonexistent in Europe’s ethnolinguistic borders.
Europe, a continent of about 750 million people, occupies 1/5 of Africa’s landmass with 50 sovereign ethnic majority nations. With a fraction of Africa’s size and a fraction of the diversity, Europe, the leader in propagating the ideal of “Beauty in DIversity”, has about the same number of states as Africa, but its state are far more stable and they largely follow the ethnolinguistic model to form a series of ethnic majority nations.
Observing the logical conclusion of the thought can be seen in unbridled globalisation and migration where anyone anywhere must be allowed into your society. Again, with others, these principles can well be viewed differently in you go back in time a century or two. Attempts at colonialism through manipulation of an individuals emotion and reality. As it can well lead to exclusive white minority rule across the global south, but it seems to have failed.
Never get high on your own supply
To sell “Beauty in Diversity” to the world, you first had to sell it to yourself and be convincing enough for others to jump on the sham. All these in aim to appear as being selfless, but it backfired. It backfired because in their attempt to create a perceived reality at home, rather it was institutionalised, and became an unquestonable devine doctrine to be evangelised, as it was once done, to the world.
All these cannot be separated from the consequence of their past action, and attempts to amend/restitute that history and the perceptions that surrounds them. As clarified above, many ideas became unfashionable suddenly giving individuals and intellectuals who has before then internalised them little to no time to adjust to the new reality.
Therefore, for many of them, not much changed except the application of the classic english courtesy to repackage their person, ideas and thoughts. With this, many same ideology, thoughts and philosophy that power the age of darkness preceeding it, which we thought we left behind, are very much alive today.
Consequences of Multiculturalism & Unbridled Liberalism
Looking back now at European history, we can see even today still the benefits of empire living past its prime. But as with all things, it also has consequences. The resultant efect of western libralism may well be just as the current realities are dipicting.
Multiculturalism has not have a very good history around the world especially in Europe. In Merkel’s own words:
"Multiculturalism leads to parallel societies and therefore remains a ‘life lie,’ ” or a sham, she said, before adding that Germany may be reaching its limits in terms of accepting more refugees. "The challenge is immense" she said. "We want and we will reduce the number of refugees noticeably."
Also, Europes history is litered with lessons that makes is clear why its nation-states ensure follow the ethnolinguistic model, and why configurations such as Switzerland are an exception. The existence of Luxembourge, which many today will argue against if its on the African continent, is further evidence of something many don’t quite appreciate, the limits of liberalism.
With its history along with considerations of Merkel’s words, the direction where Europe is heading is quite clear. Germany, Sweden, England, France, and others are currently suffering the consequences of multiculturalism and unbridled liberalism. They were unable to implement the principle of assimilation which has led to the creation of parralllel societies within their nations.
These parrallel societies are from cultures and civilisations that are fundamentally antagonist to theirs. Of course this is a direct implication of their history of colonisation and inteferance in regions across the world while tryng to propagate their liberal democratic civilisation.
The rise in right wing ultra nationalist are currently underway in their societies. Sweden which profess itself as the most liberal nation on earth saw the right wing block parties winning more seats in parliament than the left. Migration as well as other factors contributes to this rise. Its an uncomfortable reality but these factors exists, will be utilised by those seeking power and relevance, and it will do us all a lot of good to acknowledge them.
Back home the consequence of Multiculturalism and diversity has never been lost on us but we’re stuck in its hell. Recently, the limitations of both became aparent in Nigeria’s elections and many self proclaimed liberals are still unable to understand the why. They seem stuck in a loop unable to break and accept that humans are ultimately humans.
For Europe, colonising the world and drawing them closer to your reality by way of homogenisation and standardisation of language and all aspect of reality has consequences. As you continue to enjoy the benefits of our sweat and labour, so too will you stomach it's consequences. Its going to be a rough road ahead, prepare yourself.
For my brothers, in as much as you like me desire to be liberal, we can only do so to the degree the world and our place in it affords us. We have suffered its evils for so long. If we’re unable to learn because we believe accepting this reality somehow makes us less human, take solace in Europe’s appointment with history. Quite soon, the air waves will be filled with “illebral” principles that have been denonced for the past decades and the world will once again find them acceptable. As with all instances before now, all seems to be okay when they start doing it.
Any ideology is only as useful as the utility it has for a people, culture and society in achieving civilisational success and prosperity. As with all tools, develop the capacity to recognise what its most useful for and to change if & when a better tool is needed. There is no tool, idea or principle that is absolutely eternally good. Learn to adjust as needed in measure across the spectrum based on the need required to navigate the present.
Tíbí Tìrẹ la da Ile aye
The road to hell is said to be paved with good intetions. Learn to be discerning and not jump on nice sounding slogans and ideologies.
It’s okay to be different.
It’s okay to be you.
It’s okay to feel like, indifferent and hate towards others.
It’s okay to be as human as every other group across the world.
It’s perfectly reasonable to want to be independent of others on lands that are yours.
As an African, it’s okay to be just another human being.
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